That is our theme for stewardship this year. Rooted in Gratitude: Imagining, emerging, reaffirming! Notice the exclamation point. Over the next three weeks, you will be hearing from various ministry area leaders and staff. This eblast has a video from Hannah about her experience with the music program and how it is emerging through this long pandemic. Hjalmer will speak this Sunday about how Burrito Love emerged this year to feed the hungry.
Your Team L.I.F.E. is very hopeful that being reminded of everything that has emerged, and continues to be imagined, inspires your giving for what is still to come. While a time of transition can tug on uncertainty and apprehension, the strength of our giving is a testament to the strength of the community. Please stay tuned in each week to listen to the stories of the leaders of St. Michael’s. Get ready to respond from a place rooted in gratitude when we have our in-gathering of pledge cards on Sunday, November 21. (Cards will be mailed out the week of November 8).
P.S. On this year’s stewardship theme, please catch Hjalmer Lofstrom on Sunday’s stream speaking on the subject of how Burrito Love emerged in 2020, filling the need to feed people; and watch here Music Director Hannah Brewer’s video on how we can reaffirm and imagine the future of the St. Michael’s music program.