This area of ministry involves the caring that we all give each other as members of this community. Caring for one another is part of our vocation as Christians. This compassionate care is especially evidenced during times of crisis and/or major turning points in our lives: a death in the family, an illness or hospitalization, a job loss, a new marriage or a new baby, a graduation. This ministry often operates “under the radar,” but there are more known and visible arenas as well. Please click on an area below which particularly interests you.
Eucharistic Visitors in Action
Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to homebound or hospitalized parishioners on Sundays immediately following the celebration of the Eucharist. This ministry requires vestry approval, SAFE Training, and a license from the Bishop. Because of the...
Funeral Receptions
Members of the Funeral Reception team lovingly prepare the Parish Hall for families when there is a funeral at the church. Team members help prepare and arrange the food, coffee and tea, and help with clean up afterward.
Home Meal Preparation and Delivery
Can you provide a meal every once in a while to a family in the parish at a difficult time? Meals are delivered to families who have experienced a death or a hospitalization or the arrival of a new baby.
Prayer Chain
Members of the prayer chain commit to praying regularly for the persons for whom prayers have been requested. Because of the confidential nature of this ministry, an orientation is required.
Prayer Shawls
Members of this ministry use their gifts of prayer and creativity to knit and crochet shawls and baby blankets that carry the loving prayers of the entire worshiping community to those who need them.
Recovery Ministry
St. Michael’s Recovery Ministry Mission Statement:
St. Michael & All Angels Recovery Ministry exists to support those who desire a renewal of faith and life through recovery and understanding of drug, alcohol, and other addictions. Through e...
St. Brigid’s Guild for Healing
Members of the St. Brigid's Guild commit to faithfully studying and continuing the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. The Guild meets monthly for reflection, study, and prayer, and offers healing prayer in the chapel on the second Sunday of each...