Sunday Services

8:00 am – Rite I: Traditional language with no music.
10:00 am – Rite II: Holy Eucharist  (Watch the live stream here)
1:00 pm – Misa en español: Véalo en nuestro sitio web

All services available on YouTube and Facebook
Masks are optional inside St. Michael’s.

The Rector's Space

Next Steps in Our Multicultural Life Together

Last Sunday was a wonderful and joy-filled gathering for our Annual All-Parish Picnic! It was a celebration of our life together as a diverse and multi-cultural parish family, and it was a beautiful occasion of thanks and appreciation for the ministry of Padre Beto. We sent him forth with love and blessing. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for all that we are as the people of St. Michael’s, and full of hope in looking toward God’s future together.

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Summer Schedule for Services & Church Office

Our summer schedule begins on Sunday, June 30! Our services will be at 8:00 am (Rite I) and 10:00 am. We hope that this more relaxed schedule will work well for clergy, staff and parishioners, and will offer the opportunity for people who consistently attend the 9:00 or the 11:00 to worship together for a couple of months.

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Youth Group Retreats & Summer Intern

We’re excited to welcome Chloe Colbaugh to St. Michael’s this summer. She will be helping out with the youth in July and August at their retreats and marching with them at the Pride Parade. We’ll look forward to her joining us on July 1. Also, There’s still time to sign up for the first of two retreats this summer. This one is a St. Michael’s-only retreat happening on Monday-Wednesday, July 22-24, in Bend.

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Rainbow Initiative Forum on June 9

The IWC (Immigrant Welcoming Congregations ministry) is hosting a forum on June 9 about the Rainbow Initiative of Episcopal Migration Ministries, part of a national church program. Last year, St. Michael’s/San Miguel joined the brand-new Rainbow Initiative as a founding congregation.

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Information regarding services for 01/21/24

Tomorrow, Sunday, January 14, there will be one worship service only at 11:00 am, in the building and online. The 7:30 and 9:00 am services are cancelled. Beto+ is leading Morning Prayer in Spanish on Facebook at 1:00 pm.

We are hopeful that Liturgy of the Word will happen and Choristers rehearsal as well unless those folks hear from Brian.

Conditions allowing, we will still offer our Candidates Forum at 10:15 am with Helen Crandell and Scott+ in the Nativity Hall.

The Cathedral Trio concert scheduled for tonight, Saturday, January 20, has also been postponed. Please look for the new date coming soon.

Join us next week for our regular schedule!