The Outreach & Justice team continues to guide St. Michael’s charitable giving. You can read here the thank-you notes from five of the organizations to whom we’ve contributed just in March and April, including Northwest Pilot Project (NWPP), Human Solutions, Portland Homeless Family Solutions (PHFS) and Health Care for All Oregon (HCAO). There is one thank-you note from Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) for the $3,375 raised during our Souper Bowl of Caring event in February. This money went directly to our community partner the Northeast Emergency Food Program (NEFP). We’ve also donated recently to VAMOS!, Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) and Bridge Meadows. Team members meet regularly (virtually for now) to vet and discuss how best to use the O&J money in the church budget to support many worthy local, national and international organizations. Any St. Michael’s member is welcome to participate in the work of the O&J Council. Please contact Lynn or Susan if interested. |