Join us on our musical journey through Holy Week! The music for tonight’s Maundy Thursday service will be led by the St. Michael’s Singers and several Choristers. They will join forces for the beautiful anthem “I give to you a new commandment” by Peter Nardone, with words taken directly from tonight’s main gospel passage.
The bilingual Good Friday service will feature a sacred Renaissance motet in Latin, Felice Anerio’s “Christus factus est” (“Christ became obedient for us unto death, even to the death on the cross”), as well as a bilingual psalm and hymn. For a much more lively change of pace, the Easter Vigil anthem, Alice Parker’s outstanding arrangement of “Hark, I hear the harps eternal,” features textual references to water, just as each of the Vigil readings will do, leading up to the adult baptism and renewal of baptismal vows.
Then, on Easter Sunday, our beloved Portland Brass Quintet is back with us live at last, featured in a new anthem for us, Now the queen of seasons,by Canadian composer Stephanie Martin (pictured), a composer who our own Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave got to know while serving his last parish in Toronto.