Music for Sunday, March 10

March 10 is Woman Composer Sunday, as recognized by organizations like the American Guild of Organists and the Society of Women Organists (both of which St. Michael’s organist Hannah Brewer is a member). The choir will sing a communion anthem by the Canadian composer Stephanie Martin (b. 1962), while the organ voluntaries are by Rebecca Groom te Velde (b. 1956) and Adela Douglas-Pennant (1858-1955).

At the 11:00 am service, there will be even more opportunities to celebrate music by women. We’ll sing the hymn Christ, be our light!, with words AND music by British composer Bernadette Farrell. You may have also noticed that our Ordinary service music during Lent (the sung parts of the service that remain the same throughout the season, such as the Kyrie and the Lamb of God) are all settings by women. This was a conscious choice during Women’s History Month, and an effort to introduce the congregation to newer settings as we seek to build up our repertoire of music by women and other historically underrepresented composers.
