In pivoting out of the Season of Creation, many of us now find ourselves craving a time for reflection to process the news from the Middle East. As such, we are incorporating a Kyrie (“Lord, have mercy”) into our 9am and 11am services for the next few weeks, to be replaced with a Gloria or Song of Praise next month when we celebrate All Saints. The closing hymns this Sunday also express a plea for peace, with the classic C.H.H. Parry tune Jerusalem at 9am (“Oh day of peace that dimly shines… guide us to justice, truth, and love”) and the beloved Finlandia hymn “This is my song” at 11am. Similarly, your music team has replaced this week’s communion motet with one that better reflects our prayers for peace and stability. The choir will sing an arrangement of the Shaker song Peace unto Zion, whose “sweet peace” emulates the utopian ideals of equality and cooperation.