Music for October 1

Join us in celebrating St. Michael’s musical and architectural history at our Choral Evensong for the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels this Friday, September 29 at 7 PM. Using the 1892 Prayer Book and musical settings from 100+ years ago, we will celebrate our organ, choirs, and sacred space. Musical selections include Stanford’s Evening Service in G, Bruckner’s Locus iste, Parry’s majestic I was glad, and organ voluntaries by Frank Bridge and Eugène Gigout. Please join us for a reception in the Parish Hall following the service where you can view a display of the history of our nave.

As a contrast to the classic (European white male) composers heard at our Evensong, come on Sunday, October 1st to hear the choirs sing music by renowned African-American composers Duke Ellington and Moses Hogan (at 9 AM) and a traditional Spiritual at 11 AM (sung by the Saints & Singers Choir). The prelude will be another Spiritual arrangement by Florence Price (1887-1953), who is finally receiving worldwide attention, while the postlude and many of the hymns allude to our celebration of St. Francis and all the animals.
