The offertory anthem on Sunday, January 29 is a setting of the Beatitudes (Sunday’s gospel reading) by American composer Nancy Wertsch. The composer writes on her website: “Th[is] text has always been an enigma to me. I decided to set it simply, mostly in 2 parts, and in prose with no regular meter, with a background organ part which would enhance the wonder of Christ’s words in a way that text would always be at the forefront of the music. The organ interludes give the listener an opportunity to ponder these mysteries.” []
The St. Michael’s Singers and Choristers will present a special Choral Evensong on Wednesday, February 1st at 7 PM for the Feast of Candlemas (aka the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, or the Purification). Candlemas is often seen as a festival of light where candles are blessed, and we will celebrate amidst a sea of candlelight for both choir and congregation. The choirs will sing music by English Renaissance composer Thomas Tallis and others. Join us to celebrate the Light of Christ!