Lent ends in less than two weeks, on Palm/Passion Sunday. Before then, we have Sunday’s service for Lent V, on March 26. The Rev. Sherman Hesselgrave will preside, and the Rev. Dcn. Marla McGarry-Lawrence, retired deacon, will preach. Our two book studies wrap up as well, the bilingual one this Sunday at 2:30 pm and the other, led by Sherman, on Wednesday, March 29. Our last Soup Supper and Holden Evening Prayer will happen on that Wednesday as well. Attendance has been holding steady at about 20, with all enjoying two delicious soups and singing this brief, beautiful service together. The supper begins at 5:30 pm and the service at 6:15 pm.
Here is our Holy Week schedule:
April 2 9:00 am – service includes the Passion narrative
11:00 am – service includes Blessing of the Palms & Palm Sunday readings
April 6 6:00 pm – Agapé supper (Parish Hall)
7:00 pm – Liturgy of the Last Supper includes optional foot-washing
April 7 5:00 pm – church & labyrinth open for prayer and meditation
7:00 pm – Stations of the Cross and Good Friday liturgy (bilingual)
April 8 8:00 pm – Great Vigil of Easter
April 9 Services in English at 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am; 1:00 pm en español
Click here for our 2023 Easter letter, written by Sherman. He includes a wonderful poem by e.e. cummings and the lyrics to a song written by a 13-year-old parishioner at his previous parish. On the back side of the letter is a detailed schedule for Holy Week. There are also opportunities to give a gift to Easter brass or flowers in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one as well as ways to participate in Holy Week. It takes many hands, each taking a small part, to provide hospitality for members and visitors alike this Easter season.