Please plan to tune in for “History Sundays” at St. Michael’s, a series of Zoom forums on the history of our church from when Christianity first reached England to the 1979 Prayer Book and beyond. There will be five sessions in this series spread over the next five months. They are scheduled for the forum time between services, 10:15 to 10:55 am, by the Rev. Dr. Caroline Litzenberger. Most will be on the first Sunday of the month, but we’ll start this coming Sunday, February 20, with The Medieval Church (400-1500 AD). All sessions will be presented on Zoom and will be available for later viewing
The forums will also be presented in “hybrid” format. You may attend the presentation in the Nativity Hall in person while Caroline presents from her home via Zoom. Live attendees will have a chance to take part in a Q & A following the presentation. Watch the most recent here.