Guest Preacher on February 25

Today, we welcome Brian Litzenberger to preach at the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and also to lead a forum between the services. He is the son of a longtime parishioner and a lifelong Episcopalian who grew up at St. Michael’s and sang in the choir. He received his B.A. and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, followed by the completion of a post-doctoral fellowship in trauma. He has been working in private practice since 1999. As an active member of the diocese of Massachusetts, Brian has served many roles at parish, diocesan and national church levels and serves as Itinerant Lay Minister and licensed lay preacher.

At 10:15 am in the Nativity Hall, Brian will present a forum entitled Faith Based Psychotherapy: Finding Grace in the Wilderness. Brian will discuss and explore with us what he has learned and gleaned as a psychologist who believes that all real healing comes from God. Join with him in a discussion of what makes change happen, where God is most evident in growth, and how we can draw from this in our daily lives
