Evening Prayer
Church sanctuary 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United StatesA brief, peaceful service with music and chanting led by the St. Michael's Choristers
A brief, peaceful service with music and chanting led by the St. Michael's Choristers
The St. Michael's Singers is our main adult choir, rehearsing every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and singing every Sunday morning at 9:00 and/or 11:00 am.
Monthly meeting of the governing body of St. Michael's with members elected by the parishioners.
As was done a few years ago, a small discussion-group series has begun for people (new and long-time folks) at St. Michael & All Angels who have come from the Roman Catholic tradition. Three meetings will be held on Thursdays, January 17, February 21 and March 21, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Raphael […]
Clear Transitions PDX hosts non-profit informational workshops which provide legal, financial, counseling, and mediation information for Portland-area women considering or currently undergoing divorce. Clear Transitions PDX is now partnering with Family Forward Oregon.
Prayer shawls and blankets are created during this gatherings and blessed on the first Sunday of each month.
Coffee hour (coffee and treats) and convivio (meal) happen every Sunday following the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and the 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa.
Weekly meeting of the Lost & Found women's Narcotics Anonymous group
Silent, contemplative prayer is a practice which many find to be a nourishing discipline in the midst of a busy, noisy world. The Centering Prayer group has met consistently since 2003. Participants gather at St. Michael’s House from 7:00 to 8:45 pm on first and third Mondays from the fall through the spring, and typically […]
The Catechumenate is the primary parish process for incorporating new Christians into life in Christ through Holy Baptism. It also serves to support those persons already baptized who are coming to a new place in their faith journey and want to affirm that through Confirmation, Reception into The Episcopal Church from another faith tradition, or […]
The Men and Women on Wednesday meet weekly to perform maintenance work around the church buildings and enjoy each other's company and delicious snacks.
A brief, peaceful service with music and chanting led by the St. Michael's Choristers
The St. Michael's Singers is our main adult choir, rehearsing every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and singing every Sunday morning at 9:00 and/or 11:00 am.
Coffee hour (coffee and treats) and convivio (meal) happen every Sunday following the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and the 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa.
Weekly meeting of the Lost & Found women's Narcotics Anonymous group
Monday Book Group meets twice a month in the Raphael Room, and very occasionally at a participant's home. In June and July, the Monday Book Group will be watching a 20-minute video from Living the Questions, a set of DVDs created by progressive Christian scholars and theologians, and then discussing the ideas presented. The group […]
The Catechumenate is the primary parish process for incorporating new Christians into life in Christ through Holy Baptism. It also serves to support those persons already baptized who are coming to a new place in their faith journey and want to affirm that through Confirmation, Reception into The Episcopal Church from another faith tradition, or […]
The Men and Women on Wednesday meet weekly to perform maintenance work around the church buildings and enjoy each other's company and delicious snacks.