Coffee Hour & Convivio

Parish Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Coffee hour (coffee and treats) and convivio (meal) happen every Sunday following the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and the 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa.

Women’s NA group

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Weekly meeting of the Lost & Found women's Narcotics Anonymous group

Coffee Hour & Convivio

Parish Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Coffee hour (coffee and treats) and convivio (meal) happen every Sunday following the 9:00 and 11:00 am services and the 1:00 pm Spanish-language Misa.

Women’s NA group

Nativity Hall 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Weekly meeting of the Lost & Found women's Narcotics Anonymous group

Monday Book Group

Raphael Room 1704 NE 43rd Ave, Portland, OR, United States

Monday Book Group meets twice a month in the Raphael Room, and very occasionally at a participant's home. In June and July, the Monday Book Group will be watching a 20-minute video from Living the Questions, a set of DVDs created by progressive Christian scholars and theologians, and then discussing the ideas presented. The group […]