
Advocacy Action Letter-Signing

Members of the Advocacy Action Committee will be in the Gallery this Sunday, January 28, at 10:15 am with letters to the heads of Citibank and Bank of America. The letters are in protest of both banks continuing financial support of fossil fuel expansion. Please note that this activity was originally scheduled for Jan. 14 but delayed due to weather challenges.

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Weather Planning & MLK Day

In light of the potential for a variety of precipitation through this weekend, including the likelihood of snow and very low temperatures on Saturday, January 13, please keep an eye on your email or this space. In the event of cancelled services, that information will be sent out in an eblast (and on this Home Page) as soon as a decision is made.

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Music for Sunday, Jan. 14

Some of this Sunday’s music was chosen in recognition of MLK Day on January 15. The choir’s offertory anthem is an arrangement of the African American spiritual “Hush! Somebody’s callin’ my name,” which employs a simple, rhythmic pattern to highlight the last two letters of each “hush.”

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A Weekend with John Philip Newell

The closest neighboring church to St. Michael’s, Rose City Park Presbyterian, is hosting a two-day retreat with Celtic luminary John Philip Newell and Cami Twilling on Friday-Saturday, February 16-17. The retreat, based on his award-winning book “Sacred Earth Sacred Soul: Celtic Wisdom or Reawakening to What Our Souls Know and Healing the World,” offers several events at the church.

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Youth Group Activities

Looking ahead, the St. Michael’s Youth Group will gather again on Sunday, January 21, at 5:00 pm. In addition, on February 3-4, 2024, St. Michael’s youth are invited along with other diocesan youth for another Hope & Fire youth event.

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Upcoming Sunday Events

On Sunday, January 7, the St. Michael’s Vestry and Team L.I.F.E. invite you to a thank-you gathering for our 2024 Commitment Campaign. Please come to the Parish Hall at 10:15 or so and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and a piece of pie. Then on the following two Sundays, join us for two important “business” forums covering the St. Michael’s budget and the upcoming elections for vestry and convention delegates.

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Upcoming Music Events

Happy New Year from the St. Michael’s music program! One exciting upcoming musical event is a recital with Brian Fairbank’s Seattle-based Cathedral Trio on Saturday, January 20, at 5:00 pm. This is the ensemble’s farewell/retirement concert, so all are invited to come and hear their greatest hits, which include chamber music for the unusual combination of flute, harp, and viola.

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A Word of the Year and a Good Way to Live

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s word of the year in 2023 was “authentic.” I’m not surprised.
Merriam-Webster publishes the annual “word” from among the most looked-up within a given year, filtering out more common five-letter words that appear in countless games and crossword puzzles. In 2023, with the arrival of popular AI apps (like Chat GPT and Google’s Bard), a surge in charges of fake news, and a rise in “deepfake” photos in news and media, it seems there was a big increase in the interest for what is real, true, and even—if it exists—original. We all have to ask ourselves, more and more it seems: “Is that the real thing?”

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