
Music for Sunday, February 4

The St. Michael’s music program recognizes Black History Month in February by programming at least one work each Sunday by an African-American composer. Undine Smith Moore’s arrangement of the Negro spiritual We shall walk through the valley is our pick for the 9:00 am offertory anthem on February 4.

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Upcoming Music Events

Sunday, February 4, is our first Choral Evensong of 2024! Please join us at 5:00 pm as we celebrate the Feast of Candlemas, commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple forty days after Christmas. The St. Michael’s Singers and Choristers will join forces for a variety of joyous (David Hogan’s “Washington” canticles) and luminous (Howard Helvey’s “O lux beatissima”) choral works.

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Souper Bowl of Caring on February 11

For over 20 years, St. Michael’s has participated in the Souper Bowl of Caring to help support the Northeast Emergency Food Program (NEFP), raising well over $35,000 in that time thanks to great announcements by our youth and the awesome generosity of our congregation!

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Forum on Sunday

Join us for a special forum with Jo Bronson this coming Sunday, February 4, at 10:15 am. Jo will share her experience and insight that comes from serving at the Episcopal Technological Vocational Training Center in Ramallah, Palestine, for the last 20+ years. There will be a time for questions to learn more about the current violence.

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Upcoming Music Events

A week from Sunday is our first Choral Evensong of 2024! Please join us at 5:00 pm on February 4 as we celebrate the Feast of Candlemas, commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple forty days after Christmas. In addition, a non-liturgical music event coming up at St. Michael’s is “Jane Austen’s Parlour” on Saturday, February 17, at 4:00 pm.

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Ordinations on February 16

We are pleased to announce that the ordinations of our curate SuEllen Pommier and two others have been rescheduled for Friday, February 16, at 7:00 pm at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral. They were originally scheduled for January 19 but delayed due to weather challenges.

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Bilingual Book Study

Building on the success of last year’s bilingual reading group, which met throughout Lent, the group leadership has chosen another book to read together this year, “Holy Moments: A Handbook for the Rest of your Life,” by Matthew Kelly.

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