Angel Choir & Choristers


ST. MICHAEL’S CHORISTERS: Grades 3 and up. The results are in! Our preferred rehearsal time is Sundays, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Rehearsals begin right away on September 10, so we can be ready to sing Evensong for the Feast of St. Michael & All Angels on September 29. It will be the 100th ANNIVERSARY of our Nave!

Chorister highlights for the upcoming year include: singing on St. Michael’s Day, All Saints Sunday, Lessons & Carols, the Christmas Eve Nativity Play, Candlemas, Holy Week, Ascension, special Evensongs, and Broadway Night!

Choristers are also invited to “The Joyful Players” classroom – a new Sunday morning class from 10:15 – 11:00 am for students grades 3 and up. Students will focus on creating plays and other artistic responses to the weekly lectionary readings, special Feast Days and events throughout the seasons of the church year. 

ANGEL CHOIR: Kindergarten – 2nd grade. Our first rehearsal will be October 5. The Angel Choir will meet on Sunday mornings at 10 am. We ask that children who attend the 9 o’clock liturgy please leave the service right after they receive communion so they can get to the choir room by 10 o’clock. (Brian will do the same!) After choir rehearsal (approximately 15-20 minutes) the children will be escorted to the Godly Play classroom where they will have a snack and the Godly Play lesson. Godly Play will conclude by 11 o’clock.

Angel Choir highlights for the upcoming year include: singing with the Choristers and other choirs on appointed Sundays and special Feast Days, such as All Saints Sunday; the Christmas Eve Nativity Play; Pentecost, etc. 

Detailed schedules will be available on “Kick-Off Sunday, September 10th. Please contact Brian Fairbanks for more information.

St. Michael’s is known as a “singin’ church.” We hope all of you take this opportunity to get singing into the bones of all our members!

We can’t wait,

Brian, Hannah and Leslie
