Oregon’s statewide eviction and foreclosure moratorium has been one of the most successful remedies for communities bearing the brunt of the pandemic, according to a recent op-ed printed in The Oregonian. It was written by leaders of the Oregon Food Bank, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon (EMO) and the Oregon Law Center.
Now Oregon must take action to prevent a new wave of mass displacement and homelessness as we enter the coldest months of winter. The state’s eviction moratorium is set to expire on December 31, just as federal food assistance may end for tens of thousands of Oregonians and as we grapple with a new wave of COVID-prompted closures and shutdowns.
You can read the full op-ed here. Then contact your state legislators, either by phone or email, and ask them to: 1) hold an emergency session of the state legislature in December; and 2) extend the eviction moratorium at least until the end of the school year.
Thank you for your enthusiastic support of advocacy actions in the past, including letter- and petition-signing events held in the Gallery. During the shutdown, we need to take this new approach in order to continue to advocate for important issues.