A Note from Sherman on Maundy Thursday

Tonight we enter the Great Three Days with a meal and a service focused on servant leadership, as modeled by Jesus at the Last Supper by washing his disciples’ feet. Tomorrow evening we will join with the Misa community to walk the way of the Cross. And on Saturday evening, we will gather just after sunset to light the Paschal Fire; retell the stories of Creation, the Exodus, and Ezekiel’s visions about Dry Bones and a New Heart; renew our baptismal promises; and celebrate the first Eucharist of the Day of Resurrection.

We are aware of some cases of Covid in the St. Michael’s community and in the wider community as well. While it’s far from an outbreak, you may want to consider bringing your own mask with you to services this week or staying home and watching online if you have cold symptoms. We would miss you, but we also want all of us to stay safe and healthy! We’ll have extra masks on hand in the Narthex and Gallery.

I invite you to consider a donation to the Good Friday Offering for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. The history of the Good Friday Offering reaches back to 1922 when, in the aftermath of World War I, The Episcopal Church sought to create new relationships with and among the Christians of the Middle East. From these initial efforts which focused on a combination of relief work and the improvement of ecumenical and Anglican relations, the Good Friday Offering was created. Click here for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s message about this offering.
