A Note from our Curate, Part 2

Cosmic Creation: Scientific and Theological Perspectives

In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. — Gen 1:1-2 NRSV

Dear Friends,

If God’s plans are to be found in the Bible (and they are!), then the blueprints are located in the Creation story of Genesis. These ancient writings describe the series of acts performed by God to bring the universe into existence. Over six days, God designed and produced the natural world, of which humankind is a part. On the seventh day, God rested and assessed the wonder of all that had been created. The biblical creation accounts are offered a theological explanation by the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang, a scientific theory, seeks to determine the quantum fluctuations that initiated the production of the space and matter that constitute the universe. Ultimately, both the biblical and scientific explanations of cosmic origin seek to understand the complex and mysterious universe in which we live.

Among scientists, there is no collective agreement on the identity of the creative forces that propelled the universe into being; there are theories. Furthermore, scientific measurements cannot determine whether the intent of cosmic creation was by design or chance. But scientific observations can provide information about the mechanics of the origin of the universe and this, in turn, can tell us something about the creator. For Christians, scientific knowledge provides a deeper understanding of God, the divine entity of Genesis, initiator of the universe, and the creator of all that is.

All matter that exists in the universe has its origin in the cosmic creation event. All living creatures on Earth, including humankind, are composed of celestial stardust that tumbled into our atmosphere and embedded into our soil. And so, by virtue of our cosmic origin, humankind is related to all of creation and its Creator. Humanity is an integral part of the creation story. Furthermore—and this is the most marvelously amazing part—if we are an integral part of creation, we are an integral part of its purpose.

May God bless you on your cosmic journey.

Rev. SuEllen
