A Note from Sherman

Dear Friends, 

As we approach the conclusion of our interim sojourn together, there are a few things I would like to say in my final Eblast epistle. (Helen Crandell will be writing next week’s message before my last Sunday.)

Even though the journey turned out differently than originally planned, I am deeply grateful and profoundly privileged to have been able to serve the community of St Michael’s during this time of transition, and I want to acknowledge the excellent work my colleague, Julia Nielsen, accomplished with the Profile and Search Committees.

It has been a joy to serve alongside our dedicated and gifted staff and such a deep bench of volunteers. This is a community that invites everyone to offer their best, and lights fires under our complacency as we respond to the needs and hurts of the world.

This Sunday will be the Third Sunday of Easter with some Earth Day themes woven in, including Wendell Berry’s poem, “The Peace of Wild Things,” and Ethan Plecash’s “Song for the Environment” that I included in the Easter letter.

Mary Myers has written a reflection on Earth Day that can be found here.

The first two Sundays in May will be covered by the Rev. Dr. Robert Williams and The Rev. Charlie Foss. The Rev. Scott Dolph will be available for pastoral emergencies during the two weeks before the new rector, the Rev. R. Scott Painter, arrives May 15th.

In Christ and with Easter Joy,
Sherman Hesselgrave+
