Convention Reflection

On Saturday, October 25, Salem’s Conference Center was filled to the brim with Episcopalians as the Diocese of Western Oregon held their 2024 Annual Meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Church in Western Oregon. The room was filled with people from every church in the Diocese, talking and sharing the latest news, at this first in-person meeting after four years of conventions on Zoom. Four delegates representing St. Michael’s attended along with Rector R. Scott Painter and associate clergy.

Among the Convention actions was the election of our own Rev. R. Scott Painter to the Cathedral Chapter, a committee that oversees relations between the Cathedral and the churches of the Diocese. The Convention also passed the Bishop’s proposed 2025 budget. The budget discussion included a spirited defense of the line item for Latino ministries. There was also a resolution to pay deacons a small amount so they would be eligible for benefits, including pensions. This proposal was sent to a working group for further study.

Finally, there was also a presentation by the youth of the Diocese, under the leadership of the Rev. Canon Chris Craun, who were raising money by selling Diocesan merchandise, including hats, aprons, and reusable shopping bags.
