Creation Care Concerns

In October of 2022, The Episcopal Church of Western Oregon (our Diocese) joined with the national Episcopal Church by committing to work toward achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2030. It was clear that reaching this goal would not be easy. But when faced with the destructive and devastating peril posed by climate change, already visible in increased flooding, droughts, hurricanes and wildfires, the church was determined to confront this crisis that was already harming God’s creation.

Some don’t believe that the actions of individuals can make a difference. But when multiplied by hundreds of millions around the world, those in power will be forced to take notice. It will then be up to those government and corporate leaders to effect real change.

So how do we begin? What can one person do? How about beginning to support the planet in our gardens? As you work in your backyard this spring, consider adding some native plants. They use less water and because this is their natural habitat, they are meant to thrive. And don’t forget to add shrubs and trees that will feed the pollinators. These small creatures have crucial work to do. Find lists of native plants on sites such as where a free guide titled Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards is available to download.
