In The Season of Lent, We Reflect on Our God-Given Story
We often view or evaluate our life-story in fragments. We focus on obligations, responsibilities and deadlines. Even the church calendar with its ever-pressing gaze to the next season keeps us continually moving forward without much of a backward glance. There is little time for a moment of pause. As such, it is hard to see the continuity of our spiritual growth or change. Without taking a pause for reflection, it is hard to appreciate, or more importantly, understand the redemption and renewal that is taking place in our life-story. The season of Lent blessedly occurs with regular cadence in the church calendar, giving us the opportunity to join the fragments of our spiritual life-story together into a meaningful and enlightening thread.
In Lent. we are called to see our personal life-story as it is interwoven in God’s story. As always, we are reminded that we do not write our story alone. This precious season of Lent is purposely carved out so that we may look at our life-story and observe how and where we have been traveling with God. Lent, while often practiced as a time of restraint or sacrifice, offers us the opportunity to write a redemption story and lay the groundwork for renewal. In quiet reflection we ask, Where along my life-story thread are there broken bits or thin spaces? When I have wandered from God’s wisdom, how might I hear God calling me back? In my humility and faith might I seek a deeper journey with God? How might I tether a frayed twine and strengthen my spiritual life thread?
Lent is both a deeply personal experience but also one experienced in community. Our life-story is interwoven into God’s story for all of humanity. We are part of that grand divine story. Thus, our personal redemption and renewal ripple the waters of God’s grand plan. In seeking to be forgiven, we forgive. In seeking to be just, we bring about justice for others. In seeking to show restraint, we share abundance. This season of Lent is a time to explore the life-story you are writing with God and among God’s people. In Lenten reflection, and by faith and grace we grow closer to God and more deeply into our spiritual life-stories.
In peace,
Rev. SuEllen Pommier, Curate