Transition Update

The transition process to find St. Michael’s next rector is now making its way through the final phase of a year-long process that began last January when the Communication, Profile and Search Committees were formed.
In February, the Communication and Profile Committees began their work. The Parish Profile was completed at the end of July and turned over to the Search Committee. The Search Committee finished its work in late December and passed the process on to the vestry.
At this point, vestry members have reviewed the material, both printed and on video, that was given to them by the Search Committee. Now interviews with the final candidates are scheduled to begin. The vestry will have the opportunity to talk with the finalists in informal settings as well as during formal interviews. Once these conversations have been completed, there will be a time of discernment after which the final selection will be made and the new rector called.
Lynda Moses, the vestry liaison to the Communication Committee, requests your prayers for wisdom and guidance as the Vestry completes the Transition Process.