We will celebrate both the Feast of All Saints and la Fiesta de Todos los Santos over the next two Sundays. On October 30, our Spanish-speaking congregation will commemorate the their faithful departed with special prayers and the decorating of the Altar de los Muertos. Two weeks later, on November 6, the English-language morning services will celebrate the Feast of All Saints. The Book of Remembrance is available now in the Nave, at the front and to the left, for all of our parishioners to write in the names of loved ones who have died. Please write clearly and mark with an asterisk (*) those who have died since last All Saints. Those names will be listed in the bulletins and read aloud during the services on the 6th. The Immigrant Welcoming Congregation (IWC) ministry will host a special reception from 10:00 to 11:00 am with treats and activities for children and adults alike and draw from the customs of Spanish-speaking countries represented by many of our members.