A Note from Jules

Dear beloved of St. Michael & All Angels,

What a year! You’ve seen so much in the last twelve months… the beginnings of tentative steps forward in the wake of the pandemic, the hard transition of two dear priests out of our parish, an interim period of reflection and new-knowing as we move toward our new rector, through a long listening season. It’s been a time of big change, big griefs and big hope. In January, I preached that this could be the appointed time, the ‘Year of God’s Favor’ for our community. We’ve turned inwardly this year in contemplation, as is proper for a time such as this.

But as we turn toward the new year and the real possibility of a new rector in our midst to help walk alongside us into the future, we know that we are more than what is inside our church walls. With this in our hearts, your stewardship ministry, Team L.I.F.E., invites you into deep discernment about how the Spirit is inviting your Labor, Influence, Finances and Expertise to build God’s dream for St. Michael’s in the future.

Our theme for ingathering this season is, ‘Rooted in Our Neighborhood, Branching Out in Love’. We’ll spend the next six weeks before we recommit our resources of time, talent, and treasure to God’s kin-dom exploring where we are called to live out our baptismal covenant in loving-kindness all across our parish.

Your pledges will be called forth on November 13th in worship. Please watch your mailboxes for invitations to prayerfully and expansively offer your Life, Influence, Finance and Expertise to our parish, grounded in love in the Hollywood District.

•             Where does the love of God in which we are rooted branch out in compassionate abundance?

•             How will you offer yourself and your resources to the Way of Jesus embodied through St. Michael’s?

•             What courageous and generous impulse is drawing out your spirit?

I invite you to be in deep prayer this season as we live into the next season of our incarnational life together. It is a good and joyful thing to be in ministry alongside each of you in this company of God’s people.

In love and hope,

Julia Nielsen, Transition Minister
