There is a well-known verse in the Epistle reading this coming Sunday: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” [Heb. 13:2] I put it up there with the motto many of us learned at St Michael’s: “Never resist a generous impulse.”
Many of the people we meet in the Bible were nomadic people. Encountering foreign sojourners and different cultures were regular occurrences for our biblical ancestors, so it is not too surprising that showing hospitality to strangers was a mandate that was woven into the fabric of the times. Despite centuries of distortion, the sin of Sodom, according to the Bible, was inhospitality.
We are at the cusp of the beginning of the fall season, and the rhythm of life is about to change again. We will be returning to our 7:30, 9:00, 11:00, and 1:00 service schedule on September 25th, when we will observe our Patronal Festival. But the St. Michael’s Singers will return on September 11, and Recovery Sunday has been rescheduled for the 11th as well.
Julia recently asked the question of where people are finding hope—a good question to pose, after the ordeal we’ve been through in the last two+ years. After bilateral cataract surgery, clear eyesight gives me hope. Talking with parishioners about their commitment to this community gives me hope. Hearing people propose concrete solutions, rather than simply complaining about how awful XYZ Is, gives me hope.
I’m sure the angels find us entertaining enough already, but if you have ideas for how we might improve our hospitality, please let us know.
Fr. Sherman
Interim Rector for Worship and Pastoral Care