It’s that wonderful time of the year when we collect backpacks and school supplies for local children in the foster-care system! This year’s shopping list has an emphasis on providing some of the most requested items from classroom teachers (see pre-sharpened Ticonderoga pencils!)
Drop off new backpacks and school supplies in the Gallery at St. Michael’s beginning Sunday, July 24. The packing party will happen on Sunday, August 21, in the Nativity Hall after the 10:00 am worship. NO TIME TO SHOP? Cash and online donations are also greatly appreciated and will be used to buy backpacks, fill in supplies where needed and purchase some items in bulk, such as Kleenex, hand sanitizer, etc.
Supply lists are available in the Narthex and on the Welcome Table for you to pick up, or you can check the list here.
A love of learning has a lot to do with learning that we are loved.
— Fred Rogers