Congratulations! You have participated in small-group listening sessions, and you have shared comments with each other on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. And you’ve done a great job on both. Now you have one more opportunity to participate in the process of defining St. Michael’s and selecting our new rector.
The parish-wide bilingual survey is now online through this link. Paper copies in both English and Spanish are available in the office and on the Welcome Table in the Gallery. You can also contact Barb Miller if you need to have a paper copy mailed to you. In whatever way you choose to do it, please participate in the survey. It is your opportunity to tell the profile and search committees, as well as the vestry, what you like about St. Michael’s, what ministries you participate in, and what qualities you want to see in our new rector. Through the survey you can provide important demographic information as well voice your opinions and desires for the future.
The Profile Committee has spent a great deal of time gathering information, listening to your voices, and crafting this survey. In order for them to fulfill their responsibility, and produce a profile of St. Michael’s, they need specific and detailed information from you. Please respond and be part of the process of creating the future of St. Michael’s. The final date to submit your survey is June 5.