Transition Update – May 12

A huge thank-you to everyone who attended one of the 14 Listening Sessions held by the Profile Committee. In all, 158 members of the St. Michael’s congregation contributed their ideas, suggestions, comments and questions regarding the search for our new rector. You told the Profile Committee what you value and how you see the future of the parish. 

You also wrote questions and comments on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. You expressed your concerns, particularly about maintaining the music program and the services provided to our children and youth. Your comments have all been recorded and will be used by the Profile and Search Committees as they do their work.

The first phase of gathering information from you was done through the Listening Sessions. The second part of the process gathers data on demographics, participation levels in both worship and ministries, and the qualities and skills we would like in our next rector. It will be done through a parish-wide survey. Both kinds of data are vital to the committee in creating a profile that truly reflects who we are and that will attract viable candidates.

The survey is available online through the eblast link available in your eblast, or you can pick up a hard copy from the church or through Barb Miller ( If you submit the survey on paper, you do not need to fill it out online.  The survey is anonymous. We ask that you answer honestly. There are no wrong answers.

The survey will go live on Sunday, May 15. Everyone over the age of 15 is encouraged to take part.
