While much uncertainty reigns for many reopening plans in church and beyond, there are still several ways to connect with fellow parishioners on our shared journey of faith during this season. Our current round of small groups will continue to meet through the middle of October, when a new round will start to take us up to the week of Thanksgiving. These groups have been a tried and true means of connecting with others and finding a through line in the story of our shared faith during a time with lots of ups and downs. In the next round, starting in October, a Tuesday evening group with a book study will be offered, which may also include some elements of Episcopal 101.
We’re also looking at a new way to engage our Catechumenate program during the time of social distancing. This program will begin in Advent again and is a time when those who are newer to our community can join together for an extended time of study, community and reflection on what it means to be an active member of the larger body of Christ. This process also needs the support of members who have been active at St. Michael’s for a while as we blend old and new stories together for a special time reflecting who we are right now as a community. So if you’re newer to St. Michael’s, if you’ve been around for a while and are looking for a directed way to engage your faith now, or if the catechumenate program is calling to you this year, let me know.
I have been looking for other ways to engage our formation and education on Sunday mornings in the absence of our previous forum time. Keep an eye out for a special table of take-home offerings curated to aid you on your journey and give you spiritual sustenance for the week between Sundays.
Additionally, I am available every week for one-on-one conversations. Recently, I mentioned the Anniversary Interview project, in which I’d like to interview folks as they approach anniversaries of their baptism, confirmation or other important life events such as a recovery milestone. These interviews are meant to help individual community members reflect on where they are in their walk with God right now and what might be helpful as that path takes shape ahead of us. You don’t have to wait for an anniversary, of course – you can schedule and appointment for a Zoom one-on-one, or phone call, or an in-person meeting on one of our sheltered outdoor porches at church.