What next, God?

Dear ones,

I feel the tension, the edge, the uncertainty, the wonder of, ‘What next, God?’ We continue to believe that we are preparing for one thing, and then we are called to respond to yet another chaotic twist to the world around us. We are experiencing a different level of fatigue, a different level of isolation and bewilderment.

And yet we are still here. St. Michael’s is with you. God is with you. Your staff and clergy are hard at work checking in with the communities and places that are most affected by the fires across our state and will be collecting ways in which we can respond to share with you. We will tune in together on Sunday morning and pray and sing and listen to the heartbeat of our family. Team L.I.F.E. will host our post-church Zoom hour as an opportunity for us to connect to one another and pray for one another and even perhaps play with one another. Please take care of yourself. Care for your loved ones. Reach out in compassion. Pray for the healing of our world.

