Growing with Godly Play & Joyful Players

Celebrating The Feast in Godly Play

Godly Play is a religious-education program that uses storytelling and Montessori-like methods to engage and nurture children in their spiritual development. Godly Play is based on the belief that children already have an experience of the mystery of God, but often lack the language to express their thoughts and understanding. Central to the Godly Play experience is the telling of a sacred story, followed by an opportunity for the children to ponder “wondering questions” that lead them deeper into the meaning of the story, their relationship with God and with one another. Open-ended art response material and the opportunity to work with the story material give children time to process and reflect on the sacred stories and liturgical practices that are presented.

One of two classrooms in the lower level serves children in pre-K through 2nd grade for Godly Play instruction. Another classroom serves children in grades 3 through 6—Joyful Players—as they explore the arts and work on special age-appropriate projects. In the spring of 2024, this group is putting on a radio-style play during the 9:00 and 11:00 am services based on the book The Tale of Three Trees.

These two groups meet at 10:10 am most Sundays during the academic year.

Who: Pre-K through sixth-grade students
What: Godly Play (aka Sunday School/religious education program) and Joyful Players
Where: Two classrooms located on the lower level
When: Sunday mornings at 10:10 am (during the academic school year)